| Meet the Marketer.

A Little Story About Tayla.
Tayla is a native of Revere, MA, where her family originally grew up. She spent several of her early years of life being raised in Florida by her grandparents. She returned to the Northeast as a teen to finish high school and college, and it is where she still resides today with her husband, daughter, son and two pups. Her hard work at East Boston High School landed her a full scholarship at Suffolk University, where she graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Communication & Public Relations.
Her goal to help bring success and joy to many friends of hers who are in entrepreneurship, has fulfilled her in so many ways. From brochure and website creation to personal photography and design needs, Tayla is your go-to.

A working mama , living her dream.
Balance and a dream all in one! I often think of my previous life when I went to the office every day, and granted I didn’t have children then, I always thought how would I ever be a mother and leave my child on a daily basis to go to an incredibly stressful job that essentially was just paying for someone else to raise my child? I couldn’t fathom it and honestly neither could my husband (I’m the luckiest) because we both wanted US to raise our family.
For years, we’ve lived in a career stigma and society where if you’re young, and have a degree, you should be working 60 hours minimum a week, you should be the last one to leave the office because that’s a lasting impression, you should take on every single project to prove yourself. It took me 7 years in a position to realize that is not how it should be, and certainly not the insanity I wanted to rule my life. That is not work/life balance. I know my worth, the work ethic I provide and most importantly, my boundaries. Someone once told me: “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”. Oh my, is that true!
Now here we are in 2024 and I have found what that “work/life balance” really is. THIS. This is real balance. Being a mother, maintaining a household and building a dream career (for myself and others) that I have always envisioned. A career style that most employers used to not consider as even an option. It’s ironic what a global pandemic can do.
It certainly has its challenges, but I love that when I need a break from my computer or just a moment from a tough day, I have these little humans waiting for me. And are so happy .. actually the happiest little humans to see my face because I’m THEIR BALANCE too.